A fixed deposit is a financial instrument provided by banks which provides investors with a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account, until the given maturity date.

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Read MoreA fixed deposit is a financial instrument provided by banks which provides investors with a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account, until the given maturity date.
Bonds are fixed-income instruments that represent a loan made by an investor to a borrower. They are typically used by companies to finance projects and operations.
Investing in gold can be a good hedge against inflation and economic instability. It is a tangible asset and has been used as a store of value for centuries.
Stocks represent ownership in a company and constitute a claim on part of the company’s assets and earnings. There are two main types: common and preferred.
Is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, and other assets.
The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a savings-cum-tax-saving instrument in India, introduced by the National Savings Institute of the Ministry of Finance in 1968.
An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund traded on stock exchanges, similar to mutual funds but bought and sold throughout the day.
The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a government-sponsored pension scheme launched in January 2004. It is a voluntary and long-term investment plan for retirement.
It involves the purchase, ownership, management, rental, and/or sale of real estate for profit.It is an asset form with limited liquidity relative to other investments.
An investment partner at crypto venture fund Paradigm Capital, currently overseeing $100 million in positions for the largest crypto fund in the world. Noyes was a personal seed investor in institutional cryptocurrency trading platform Tagomi, eventually resulting in a $12 million Series A in the firm and a 2020 exit to Coinbase. He also contributed to a $1 million seed investment in Uniswap, a token now trading at a $3 billion valuation.
The co-chief investment officer of Pantera Capital helps manage $442 million across three crypto-related funds.
"Mining bitcoin is about converting electricity into money," says Alexander Liegl.